Chapter 1....It Happens

Looking back, it all started that day when my curiosity led me to try marijuana. When I was 14 years old, I walked to the park near my high school to smoke for the first time. Pretty funny because my lungs were dying from that first drag. However, this enabled me to have the temptation of trying more substances. People say weed is a gateway drug, I do not agree, it is the mind that controls your actions. Everyone is different, some do not have the ability to control impulses, others do. Little did know that it would spark a fire that would burn me until this day. I can talk about the effects and different drugs that I abused, but that would take me a lifetime and honestly there is no point. All I can say is I have tried almost everything that is considered to be a drug. I rather get straight to the point and share a story that might relate to many and open a reality that people should understand.

By the time I was 17 I had no control, often having fights, problems with many substances, and honestly, I did not care. When I say I did not care means no limits. Somehow, I got accepted into college and yes, I struggled, but my grades were above average. The thing is, I was still into my habits surprisingly. It is pretty unbelievable that I was holding on. Then one day it happened, I took a heavy amount of LSD and looked at myself in the mirror, and I felt scared that I did not see me, where was I? I was brought up in a good home with 4 siblings, and I can say my parents are good people. There is no blame to anyone or anything that made me this way. The question is what was trying to escape? I have no answer to that yet. So, this is just an idea of what this short addiction story is about.

See I stopped using drugs at the age of 18 for a while then would relapse every other two months, but that was not that end just the beginning. I had tried pills during my teenage years but did not really consider it as a threat. Yes, I was hooked on cocaine, and was vulnerable to speed. I am not going to bullshit you that I was okay because you are not okay when you simply use. There is no such thing as once in a while is fine, it is not. I am not a writer, but hopefully it gives a key to a door to the life an addict lives so sorry if my grammar is not proper. Trying to escape reality, the feeling, euphoria etc.... are some of the endless reasons why it happens. You see, being an addict does not make you scum or a parasite on this earth, it happens. There is no such thing as the perfect person and drug abuse does not make you inferior. We have flaws and well addiction is something that many have me included. I realized now that at the age of 27 that I was driving in a narrow path with fog all around me. Yes, I am an addict in recovery now…. I will start my story.

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