You think if I ran for mayor I would win? funny shit that crossed my mind right now. Anyways, when I see the people downtown using in a nice little plaza asking for 25 cents to get the fix, I usually do give them a dollar or so even 30 cents if that is the only thing I have in my pocket. I usually do not carry money with me I avoid even having money at all because you never know it can come back and temptation can overcome me and there, I fucked up again. I stopped drinking 80 days ago today so that is pretty cool I feel different that shit added to my bad habits it enabled me to fuck shit up over and over with no sense of consequence. I can honestly say I have never stolen or none of that crap to drug myself...yeah, a functioning addict. You know? I am a senior in college been one for 6 years which is pretty long to ALMOST graduate, but this year is where it is at oh by the way I am studying engineering. An addict can have a good degree comes to show so fuck anyone who says people who have this flaw cannot do shit try me I'll show you how to integrate your fucking judgments from 0 to fucking infinity no..... I take that back from negative infinity to infinity Calculus 2 is a joke just like those who imply shit about people with a problem like mine. Now What? so let us keep the melody going. I have accepted over the years over and over that I have problem, but accepting is not the first step to recovery it is just a prerequisite to take the full semester of recovery 13456 hardest course I have taken, but here I am still breathing. So now what if you are reading this and you can relate...we are on the same boat I understand even though I feel like no one understands me fuck it all we can do if accept, accept, accept, and then fucking start. WELCOME TO REC 13456 1 EXAM, ONE ASSINGMENT YOU PASS OR FAIL... SO THAT IS NOW WHAT!
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